French Press

The tried and true brewer that was invented in France in the mid 1800s.

Golden Rules

Fresh Is Best

Use fresh roasted coffee ground just before brewing.

Water Type and Temp

Brew with the right water at the right temperature - filtered is best between 195-205 Fahrenheit.

The Perfect Ratio

Use a scale to measure your coffee and water. Use one part coffee to 15–18 parts water, depending on taste preference.

Proper Storage

Keep whole bean coffee in an airtight container, out of direct sunlight, and away from any heat and moisture.

French Press

The tried and true brewer that was invented in France in the mid 1800s.


This is your coffee-to-water ratio. For this recipe, we will be using 25 grams of coffee and 400 grams of water.

Grind Size

We recommend you use a burr grinder and grind your coffee fresh just before brewing.

Water Temp

If you don't have a thermometer, wait 60-90 seconds after boil

Let's Get Brewing